
Showing posts from August, 2020

A One Man Technology Revolution- Steve Jobs

He's considered as the father of digital revolution, and massive innovation and a design perfectionist. He had a net worth of 8 billion dollars in 2010.Yes! Steve Jobs. There is not a single executive or creator in technology industry more important than him. He's one of the most creative and daring CEO of all time. A global icon who has shaken the world of technology and media. His products are adored by millions of people across the world. A company that he started in the garage is worth more than 742 billion dollars today.   For over 30 years, computers, music, movies and mobile phones have all been transformed by none other than Steve Jobs of Apple. Today, we talked about the fascinating journey of one of the most loved entrepreneurs of all time Steve Jobs and this is his biography, Born in San Francisco, California his parents that were unable to care for him Steve Jobs' early life was a struggle of identity. He was an adopted child raised by caring parents. O

One of The Fastest Phones!- Asus

  This is of course, the ROG Phone 3. The box of this phone is amazing prism shape. You know it's a gaming device. In the box we get a fibre case and uses a USB Type- C cable to charge the phone. As well it has a very fast charger. This is a 30-watt fast charger. We've got the Aero Active 3 Cooler, which is the accessory that we can put on to the ROG Phone 3. And we've also got a USB Type-C to 3.5-millimetre converter. And that is because the ROG Phone 3 does not have a 3.5millimeter jack this year. There is however, a 3.5-millimetre jack on the Aero Active 3 Cooler, which we'll get to in a second. And of course, you get that converter too.   So, you can see here that it's got that iconic ROG phone design, and looks very similar to the ROG Phone 2, which I have here. And you can see that as well as the design being similar, the size is almost exactly the same. The ROG Phone 3 is just slightly thicker. And that is partly because it's got more of a camera

Pros and Cons of Online Learning

  At one point or another every student wishes that they could forget the school life and live in a never-ending summer break. With online learning students forget the pressure of siting in a classroom.    Instead of waking up before the sun rise in the burden of reaching the school on time, students can have a nice breakfast or may sleep till the time of the online class. Thanks to modern technology that students can take classes at times of such pandemic from the comfort of our own homes.    While once online courses were once deemed inferior to lecture halls. The stigma has seemed to fade as the developing technology has became a greater and greater part of our academic curriculum. The basic requirements in the virtual class rooms are clearly delineated and meeting deadlines can be scheduled as per the student’s convenience. Students taking online classes can learn   in a way that benefits them. Online learning can help students harness their strengths and minimize the

Interesting features of Redmi Note 8pro

  Friends  today we are here with Redmi Note 8 Pro Hidden Features with some special Top features Amazing tricks & Once you will know all these features so then grantee you will buy this Note 8 Pro. Also, if in case you have already bought this phone then you would love to use the phone in best possible way.   1. Note 8 Pro feature is Dark Mode This is a exclusive feature for Android 10 but MIUI 9 have ported this for Note 8 Pro & is really amazing to use. The phone actually comes with Android 9 but still carries this feature in it. To Enable this you have to go to settings &get; display &get; Dark Mode So the Next amazing feature is Game Turbo Mode. So this is also great & amazing feature of Note 8 Pro.  So this 2nd Feature is go to settings &get; special feature Game Turbo Mode is there, Now add any game or any application which you want to use in Game Turbo Mode. Currently, for example I am showing you this on Amazon App. As I don't have any o

Evolution of Galaxy Note

  When Samsung introduced the first Galaxy Note they received a lot of criticism from the mainstream media for its gigantic size. But little they knew that it's going to change the landscape of the smartphone industry. It can be gauged from the fact that large-screen phones have become so common that the word phablet has lost its relevance. Even Apple, who criticized Samsung for their big phones, are now making big display smartphones themselves. With that being said, with the latest announcement of the Galaxy Note 10 right around the corner, let's take a look at how the Galaxy Note has evolved over the years which singlehandedly kickstarted the trend of large screen phones which is a norm these days.  Samsung released the first Galaxy Note Back in September 2011, It was the first top-end Android device to sport a stylus and had a 5.3" display which was considered gigantic back then. It had top of the line specs as well which sounds weird in 2019 but the technology wasn


                                                            Blood Group Details Percentages Of Blood Group   A(+)  :-  20.8%   A(-)   :-  0.57%   B(+)  :-  38.14%     B(-)  :-   1.79% AB(+):-  8.93% AB(-) :- 0.49%   O(+)  :- 27.85%  O(-)    :-1.43% :- Blood Group A A (positive)    DONATE       A (+) ,AB(+)           ACCEPT A(+) , O(+)  ,O(-)  A(negative)   DONATE           A(-) , AB(-)            ACCEPT        A(-) , O(-)  :-Blood Group B B(positive)      DONATE       B(+) ,AB(+)              ACCEPT  B(+) , O(+) ,O(-)  B(negative)          DONATE                 B(-) , AB(-)                        ACCEPT    B(-)  , O(-)     :- Blood Group AB AB(positive)             DONATE                 AB(+) , A(+) , B(+) ACCEPT AB(+) , A(+) , B(+) , O(+) , O(-) , AB(-) , A(-) , B(-)  AB(negative)    DONATE          AB(-) , A(-) , B(-) ,                                                              ACCEPT  AB(-) , A(-) , B(-) , O(-) :- Bloo

What are some of the hidden features of Google?

  Google, we use it all the time, probably even every day. And Google obviously isn't just a search engine, they have a ton of other projects that are really awesome that you've probably never even heard of. In this blog I am going to explain some hidden tricks of Google. And these won't really be in any particular order. Starting off, we have a feature built right into Google search, which basically lets you use Google as a proxy. All you have to do is type in the search box, “Cache:". This will take you directly to Google's cached version of the site. As you may or may not know, Google takes a cache of all the websites it indexes for search, and in regular search you can usually click the down arrow next to a result to go to it.  But with this, you don't have to look through the results to find the right page you want to access. And this cached version can be useful in a lot of situations. Like if you're behind a firewall at school or

What to do in case of low signal strength?

  Everyone among us would have ever faced a slow signal strength issue. The two most common issues that users usually face when they have a really low signal is the phone calls get either chopped off or you get disconnected and for some users the issue might be that their data connection just keeps disconnecting then and now in either case it is going to be a really frustrating experience. Now I also wanted to mention that there are certain tutorials online that show you that you just install an app on your phone and suddenly your signal strength will go up now these are actually just fake apps that do not work there are two ways you can measure signal strength on your phone one is by referring to the signal bar on your phone and the second way is by installing an app like I have done on my phone in case you're interested it’s called signal strength and it's available for free on the Google Play Store and basically what the app does is that it gives you a score of your network

Why is iOS better than Android?

  The iOS vs Android debate has been ongoing ever since the platforms were created over a decade ago. But I do want to preface this entire blog saying I don’t hate Android; I truly believe both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses. And the decision regarding which one is best for you, is your decision to make. Everyone’s smartphone needs are different. And therefore no one can say that one platform is objectively better than the other, but I do think it’s fair to point out the specific strengths that iOS has over Android. iOS does a fantastic job at keep things simple enough that everyday people can pick up an iPhone or iPad without being intimidated by an overly complicated interface that plagues many Android devices. And if they can figure out how iOS works quicker than Android, you can bet they’ll view that product as more convenient and less frustrating.  Also, smartphone manufactures can apply their own custom skin to Android. Meaning its interface is different depend

Why are children still not getting educated after so many NGO are available?

Hey there, today I am going to tell you about the work of NGOs and their benefits to the Children. NGO is defined as a governmental or non- governmental organization entirely non- profitable and for the benefit of orphan children.  NGOs are made to young children a support for studies and food. Volunteers work and help in NGOs for the betterment of the children. Such volunteers come in NGOs and help the children in the way they can, some are good at teaching so they teach the children and some provide food to these children and the others help as per their talents.                                         Volunteers Now a days many people want to volunteer and help the others who are in need, but these kind of volunteers want volunteering opportunities in the areas very close to them. This is the main reason why every NGO does not have many volunteers. Sometimes these volunteers increase so much in one NGO that some volunteers do not get the volunteering opportunities and the NGO which

New National Education Policy 2020 for schools and colleges

New National Education Policy Are Declared On                                                         26 July 2020 According To The New Pattern of education in schools/ colleges is 5+3+3+4.       According to the new education policy 2020 pattern 5.......... this is an initial stage of education in this our 1st.-5th 3.......... this is a primary stage, in this, we studied in 6th - 9th 3.......... this is mid. stage, in this we studied in 10th -12th 4.......... this is a final stage, in we studied in graduation-post graduation    Now the Education Minister of India? Ans. Mr.  Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank In the new education policy, 2020 students choose subjects in the 8th standard and they also learn about an apprentice in the 8th -10th standard, and students get a job after the 10th if they need it.   and students have the right to chose subjects in the 11th,12th standard. if they are science students so they also read arts subjects but marks pre

Can A Gmail Account be created for child or teenager?

Hey there, our todays topic is can a child or teenager make his\her own Gmail account. According to the Googles updated policies now anyone can make a Google account whether it is a child, teenager, adult or senior citizen.                                         Policy Updates Now google has given the right to everyone to make their own google account. A company as popular to Google wants that everyone should use it, and we all know that google is the most popular and most used search engine on the Internet.                                          In Past Years In the past years google did not provided everyone with making an account on it. It gave special policies that someone under the age of 18 making a Google account cannot make a proper and complete. An account of someone under the age of 18 could make an account just specially designed separately for kids, in which the whole information of Google cannot be provided.                                     Words O