
Showing posts from February, 2021

Personality or looks

I comply with the topic, “Personality is more important than looks”. Both of these adjectives fall under two different domains. There is something called Inner Beauty and Outer Beauty. Personality is something that we call inner beauty which refers to the mindset and character of a person and Looks is something that we call outer beauty which simply refers to the physical appearance of a person. In my opinion, looks can never be a factor based on which an individual should be judged. How we look, What’s the colour of our skin, Short or Tall, all these traits are God-Gifted and we ain’t the one who can manipulate it. Looks or Outer Beauty is the one that can be pretended. There are many ways in which a person can look good, be it Dressing, Make-up, Surgery, or any other treatments but Inner beauty can’t be pretended. It reflects in the behaviour and attitude of a person. A person may possess a very good and dashing appearance but if he doesn’t have morals, ethics, and good personality,